Note: Photograph of the original proposed resolution in original handwriting. No transcription provided.The National Archives…
Note: See 4th column, 6th to last paragraph.Chronicling America presents a brief January 4, 1882 article from the The Salt Lake…
South Carolina State Library features an 1874 historical speech by African American Congressman, Alonzo J. Ransier. Themes…
The New York Times features a 2019 article, written by Professor Mary Stewart Atwell, about a day trip to St. Helena Island, in…
The Library of Congress presents an 1866 political cartoon, featured in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, that depicts…
The Library of Congress presents an 1874 historical illustration, featured in Currier & Ives, that depicts Charles…
The Library of Congress presents an 1874 historical illustration, drawn by Joseph Becker, that depicts Charles Sumner (LR-MA)--the…
The Library of Congress presents an 1862 political cartoon, drawn by Dominique C. Fabronius, that depicts Charles Sumner…
The Library of Congress presents an 1877 historical illustration, published by Shober & Carqueville, that depicts three…
The Library of Congress presents an 1864 political cartoon, published by G.W. Bromley & Co., that depicts are park bustling…
The Library of Congress presents an 1860-1875 black and white, half-length historical photograph that depicts Charles Sumner…
The Library of Congress presents an 1862 black and white, full-length historical photograph that depicts Charles Sumner…
Note: 5th column, top.Chronicling America features an 1865 Daily Dispatch historical newspaper article, written by an unknown…
Note: Another version of the source can be found HERE. DocsTeach presents a piece of 1873 historical legislation, proposed by…
Black Past features a 2011 article, written by Jonathan Bradley, providing an account of Frederick Douglass' organizing of the…