Essential Civil War Curriculum features an article written by Ben Parten (2016) that provides an overview of the Port Royal…
Internet Archive provides an article written by James M. McPherson that was included in the book, "Reconstruction: An Anthology of…
Note: See p. 8.The SC Sea Grant Consortium features a 2017 article, written by Joey Holleman, that provides a perspective on…
The United States House of Representatives presents a contemporary article, written by an unknown author, that provides a brief…
The National Park Service presents a 2020 contemporary article, written by an unknown author, that provides a brief summary of the…
The National Parks Service presents a brief profile (2019) of Brick Baptist Church on St. Helena Island in Beaufort, South…
The Oregon Encyclopedia features an article, by journalist Gregory Nokes, on the Snake River Massacre, where Chinese gold miners…
The Oregonian presents an updated January 10, 2019 article, by Richard Cockle, on the present day efforts to memorialize the Snake…
The New York Times features a article (2019), by Jill Cowan, on the legacy of Chinese workers on the Transcontinental Railroad…
NBC News provides a 2017 article, by Chris Fuchs, on the labor strike led by Chinese workers on the Central Pacific Railroad on…
The New York Times article (2019), by Karen Zraick, provides a perspective on remembering Chinese immigrant workers' role in…
Stanford University presents an article (2020) from the Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project, by Yong Chen, on the…
The Atlantic features a January 20, 2018 article, by Garrett Epps, makes a connection between the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882…
This contemporary article, published by Maura Hohman in TODAY on March 8th, 2021, provides a perspective on the 2021 anti-Asian…
The Spring 1997 Virginia Military Institute Alumni Review features an article written by one of its alumna, Honorable Edward A.…
National Public Radio presents an article and 4-minute audio episode (2020) about Charles Marshall Auld, a descendant of Wade…